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Events and Seminars

22.05.2024, The GEcoGen celebrates the International Day for Biological Biodiversity

13:30 - Welcome reception & Photo exhibition: Arctic Biodiversity
             Biozentrum-Foyer | Zülpicher Str. 47 b

15:00 - Evolution of parasitic plant-plant-environment interactions; Prof. Susann Wicke, Humboldt-University Berlin

15:45 - Biodiversity – more than stamp collections; Jun.-Prof. Ann-Marie Waldvogel, University of Cologne

16:30 - Anthrobiodiversity: the deep history of human biodiversity contributions; Dr. Shumon T. Hussain, University of Cologne

17:00 - Buffet & Drinks

Foyer & Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne

Register here.

27.05.2024, Gender, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Workshop

Title: Challenging Sexism and Harassment in Fieldwork

Trainer: Maria Chatzidimou from "thirdspace_._"

Register via email at

11.06.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Jana Ebler, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf

Title of the talk: “tba”

Lecture hall 4, 4th floor, CoMB (Building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)

For online participation register here.

24.06.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Jill Anderson, University of Georgia, USA

Title of the talk: “Local adaptation in a rapidly changing climate: Insights from a North American wildflower”

 Lecture hall 26.11. HS 6A, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf (hybrid)

25.-27.09.2024, 4th Internal Progress Colloquium

GenoHotel Forsbach

15.10.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Roland Pierik, Wageningen University

Title of the talk: “tba”

Lecture hall tba, University of Cologne (hybrid)

26.11.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Alex Widmer, ETH Zürich

Title of the talk: “tba”

Lecture hall tba, University of Cologne (hybrid)

Past events